
Get Better Fan Engagement On Your Facebook Page

Facebook engagement is still a puzzle to many.  Yes you may be following the rules of engagement to the letter, but how come hardly anybody comments, and only a handful are liking your posts?  Why are few bothering to click your links? What questions do you need to ask to motivate more response from your audience?  What does it take to bring your fans out to interact with your page?  How can you break the ice?FaceBook Engagement

You might not be pushing the right buttons, so to speak.  Perhaps your posts just need a little fine tuning. All of this of course is based on your having the right fans. Fans who are in your target audience. If you do these five tips may lead to better engagement. 

Here are 5 tips on how to improve your Facebook engagement:

Perhaps you could blame it on Twitter, but fans have shorter attention spans in reading their social media updates.  Keep texts short and sweet at 100 characters or even less.  Or better yet, say it with picture or a video. Facebook says visuals generate 100% to 180%  engagement rate.

What could be the reason why your fans are not clicking on your links? It might be your URL shortener.  It’s possible fans do not trust those links because it’s not clear as to where it leads.  Studies done by Buddy Media indicate that clicks on full urls are three times higher than shortened URLs.  If you’re concerned about the length, try using brand-specific URL shorteners that clearly indicate your website.

Find the best time to post — the time and day when your fans are online.  Social media experts give recommended days and times, yet it is best to study the behavior of your own fans, when you get the most response from them

Use the right call to action words.  “Like”, “Post”, “Comment”, “Tell us”, are direct to the point and effective in eliciting action.  In promos, it’s best to say “Win”, “Winning”, “Winner” , than aggressive and hard sell words like “Contest”, “Coupon”, “Promotion”.

Avoid asking “Why”, it has the lowest engagement rate.  “Where”, “When”, and “Should” generate the most responses.  Post a question at the end of the full text.  It drives  15% more feedback than those questions posted at the beginning of the text.




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