Are You An Entitlement Mentality Queen? (part 1)

Do You Secretly Possess An Entitlement Mentality?   We don’t want to think of ourselves having an entitlement issue but the truth may be hidden somewhere beneath that shinny plaque on your wall or inside your wallet. If your business isn’t growing, it’s failing....

What Is Your Mindfulness Level When It Comes To Business?

Being Aware Of Your Mindfulness Can Make Your Break Your Retention With Clients Are you aware of how mindfulness affects your business success? We’re not just talking about the feelings of other people, we are talking about how mindful you are of your ROI.   If you...

Unmasking Potential

Unmasking Your True Potential Requires You To Remove The Mask You May Be Wearing There are key elements to unmasking potential. Whether it be in your personal life or in your professional life making your potential shine is important. Breaking out of the day to day...

21 Tools to Unlock Your Creative Genius

You Can Be Creative Too! You may not think you have what it takes to promote your business creatively. However, everyone has a creative side, you just need to learn how to unlock that creative potential. You need to find things that inspire you that will help unlock...

Take Control Over Your Life And Live A Life Of Happiness

“What you do have control over is how you react to what happens in your life.” ~Oprah We often times forget that you are in the driver’s seat of our own lives. We allow others to dictate how we feel and see the world. In my book Quantum Thinking – Unleash...

Have A Mindset Like Napoleon Hill

Keep Going Even When It Hurts – Why Efforts Pay Off “Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”   — Napoleon Hill Have you ever tried to measure the effort you put into the things you want in life? Often we say I really...