
Ready To Learn How to Schedule your Pins on Pinterest?

I know you are thinking another social media site?  Yep but this one is different. Let me explain. Do you have images from your local business, or products, or online marketing business?  Then you need Pinterest.  Think of how a picture says so much. Your prospects find out subtle cue about you and how you do business. When I first found Pinterest I didn’t know what pictures to upload first I have so many. Should I create one board or ten? I spent hours looking for more pictures online that inspired me and would convey that I love animals, fine but healthy food, helping others build their dream practice like I did, and more.Pinterest

Then I realized it was dark outside. I had spent an entire day just doing Pinterest. It was time to look for an option to schedule pins on Pinterest. Thankfully I didn’t send out 50 pins at once, instead  I got lost in the millions of boards and how others are using Pinterest.

Like all social media, you want to log in several times each day and drip your pins. This also means being online when most of your clients are online so what happens if you can’t be? Yes, we’ll get there and talk about a way to schedule your pins on Pinterest let’s first cover some important ground so you become a success and your business thrives because of your efforts!

Most people who have an online social media account like FB or Twitter also have a Pinterest account. Maybe you put tons of images up at first from your hard drive or spent days looking for pictures to pin and quickly found out it takes a lot of time like I did.

As with everything you thought how can I automate this!  Let’s talk about how to schedule your pins on Pinterest.

My Favorite Pinterest Tool

Combing through all the websites out there saying they had a tool or were close to figuring out the API (that funny key these programs needs to make automation work for you) was like trying to get a real comb through a very curly head of hair. Slow with many stops along the way.

One tool stood out for me. Pingraphy a cool tool you can use to pin images from any website you visit. This includes your websites! The only thing that it doesn’t do is find them on your hard drive and upload them something I would like to do.