
You Don’t Have To Spend Even 5 Cents To Make Facebook Work For You


Your business may already have a Facebook page that generates you leads and exposes your business. It isn’t necessary for you to spend  a red cent to get your name out there. With these 7 easy steps you can increase your following all the while making Facebook work for you without spending a nickel.

With These 7 Easy Step You Can Make Facebook Work For You!

  1. Cross-promote – You probably have multiple social media sources that are delivering your business information. By cross-promoting what is on your Facebook with other accounts such as Twitter and Youtube you can gain following across multiple social media sites for free.
  2. Email signature – On all of your e-mail messages you can add the link to your account to your signature. This way it will make your recipients even more interested in what you have to say.
  3. Website button – These buttons are featured on almost every business site out there. By adding one to your site you can generate traffic to your Facebook account for free.
  4. If you have an online bio page, you can actually link your bio directly to your Facebook. This is a two-fold deal as you can link back to your website bio on your page. This way you are generating traffic both ways.
  5. If you mention other fan pages, you will gain followers. Not only will readers be interested in seeing what you are all about, but you also just gave the other business your followers as well. This is a win-win for both of you.
  1. Do a giveaway of one of your products. This is simple to do on your page and you will peak the interest of others who will want to know what your product is all about.
  2. Make sure you are sharing quality content. While you don’t need to post all about your business, make sure that what you are posting is still quality. You don’t want to find yourself spamming your followers.

To find out how you can make Facebook work hard for you read more on this great topic. You can also click here to learn how to increase you Facebook engagement and how adding photos can help drive business to you.