
How To Achieve Consistently High Quality Blog Content

This is one of the hardest things for everyone, myself included. For one, who knows what the search engine thinks is high quality so you have to write for the reader, your audience. Consistently, high quality blog content is like two peas in a pod.  A blog cannot thrive on personal whims.  It needs to be up to date with content that offers value to its readers.  Today if I wrote on ‘a whim’ it would be about wanting not to cook dinner, but I digress. See what I mean how valuable is that to you?web SEO chart on blackboard

Blogs are run by human beings with wavering moods, moments of inspiration and distractions.  Being human in front of others is a touchy thing. It’s important to share but not too much. Your blog isn’t the place to share how consistent your  imitate life is. But blogging needs to be consistent.  No excuses.  No shortcuts.  Talk about what your audience need help with. Relate how you moved from that place of pain to pleasure with the issue. If you suffer writer block push that aside and let your creative juices flow. It happens all the time and the flow is never gone just less or more. These fine-tuning tips will help you get the most out of your creative flow. 

Here are methods to get you in the zone –get into the mindset of producing consistently high quality blog content.

1. Make it your job to be responsible for your readers.  Think that your readers are waiting and anticipating what you have to say next.  That sense of responsibility will drive you to produce regular and valuable content.  Think:  if they wait too long, they would go somewhere else. If that doesn’t work think of their pain: If I don’t help them they will remain in pain. One woman I met told me she wasn’t sleeping at night because she was so worried about her business. You owe it to these people who have come to you to find ideas and ways to consistently deliver valuable ideas to help them. 

 2. Schedule a certain time of the day to write when you feel most productive.  Marking it on a calendar could be a good reminder for you.  Once you get your groove and set your body clock, productivity follows. I use outlook and use color-coding to make my writing time, and video production time stand out. Each day I slot my work out. I ‘over-allow’ time because I understand that just about anything takes more time than we realized.

 3. Do a list of titles or topics, preferably on a weekly basis.  This could create a steady flow of topics to write about, without wasting too much time thinking and lingering about what to post next.  My list is made up of each type of content I want to produce each day of the week. Then the weekly theme. Still it’s important to deliver the hottest information first. 

 4. Do back-up and / or advanced write-ups.  It’s better to have something in the bank that you can pull-out when the need arises.  If you’re in a productive mode, you can churn out write-ups that could be utilized for future posts. I try to be 3-6 days in advance. This really comes in handy around holidays. 

5. Rehash and re-purpose old content; and voila! you have a new blog post.  It would be good to revisit old posts that have gained enough traction among your readers.  Pick out blog posts that have the most comments or gathered good traffic.  Update the post by adding new information or integrating comments and feedback previously sent in by the readers.When doing this it’s okay to talk about the update from that article 12 months ago. Everyone knows for instance that Google has made changes since that old post and love that you are going through it and doing talking points on each change and how it relates now to Google best practices. 






 Read source article here.